Beaufort: recommended Active Directory layout for synchronization
When you run Beaufort from RAET as your HR system, you can keep your Active Directory in sync with new employees, changes to contracts and employees leaving the company. A recommended Active Directory layout for this type of HR system uses OUs per “organizational entity”, which is the name of an organization layer such as department or location and is linked to every employee’s contract.
- Root OU “Organization”
- Sub OU “Employees”
- Sub OU “Groups”
- In “Employees”, every Organizational Entity gets a sub-OU
- User accounts will be put inside the “Users” sub-OU of every sub-OU mentioned above
- In “Groups”, create a global security group for every function, cost center and location (GG-FUNC-[name], GG-LOC-[name] and GG-COST-[name])
- Link every user account to their function, cost center and location
Synchronise Beaufort – RAET to Active Directory (AD), Exchange and NTFS
UMRA’s synchronization engine contains a simple framework to read information from Beaufort, match this information with Active Directory and process the resulting changes. When a contract changes, UMRA can update the correct group memberships and create new OUs and groups on-the-fly. This can substantially reduce Active Directory management effort in day-to-day operations such as creating and removing user accounts, but also when departments merge or split, company restructuring.